I’m Tom Stobierski.
You’ve just come around here most probably because of the context that matches
some field of my activity as follows:
Game developement
As a team member of Five Studios Interactive I’m responsible for inventing solutions to render content both beauty and performance-wise.
Unity extensions
I’m a Unity asset developer since 2011. My solutions were used in many successful games & interactive productions.

UBER is critically acclaimed general purpose shader that brings visual excellence for a wide range of applications.
Key Features:
- Various Parallax techniques (full Z-Write!)
- Tessellation variants
- Refraction with chromatic aberration
- Translucency (based on DICE’s model)
- Dynamic weather (snow/rain)
- Triplanar selective (fast approach)
- Vertex blend painting (2 layers mode)
- Well sorted out and clean interface
- Fully configurable vertex color usage
- And more…

Unity3d Terrains
Since 2012
Relief Terrain Pack is set of shaders and tools that can raise your outdoor environments to the top level of realism.
Key Features:
- AAA look of terrain at great framerates
- 8 POM layers + self shadowing in 1 pass
- Heightmap blending between detail maps
- Tessellation (DX11, openGL4)
- Dynamic snow & water
- Triplanar with PM shading
- Global color/normal maps
- Terrain holes system
- Caustics
- And more…

Unity3d GRASS
Complete system for building billboard grass volume.
Consists of grass mesh editor and a special shader that gives an illusion of grass being rendered “inside” the mesh volume.
Grass look is highly configurable, handles directional and spherical wind zones & proper intersections with other objects. You can make your own textures easily using built-in editor.
My Unity extensions live their life in a few prominent game titles as well as in many other interactive projects.

Contact me
For Asset Store related questions it’s best first to take a look at my support threads on my Unity forum (see above).
If you can’t get the answer there or want to discuss other topics – feel free to contact me directly.